

課程名稱 英國文學概論(一)   English Literature I


學分數 2
上課時數 3小時/週
The objective of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive overview of English literature before 1785. To achieve this aim, we have to foreground a number of things whether in terms of historical events or in terms of literary celebrities. For the first phase/move, we have the Anglo-Saxon Invasion of Britain (starting from c. 450) and then the Norman Conquest (1066), which were characterized by the social production of Old English and then the Middle English respectively without mentioning certainly the undercurrents (local languages, dialects, etc.) subsumed/subdued by these two dominants. For the second, we have of course the four giants/major writers of English literature: Chaucer (1340-1400), Spenser (1552?-1599), Shakespeare (1564-1616), and Milton (1608-1674). Intertwined in between these two phases, we have also to consider the so-called periodization of history. We have notably here the English Renaissance, Metaphysical Poetry and the Cavaliers, the Restoration period, the Age of Reason, and the Pre-Romantics which herald the blossoming of romanticism in the turn of the 18th Century. The course will be conducted by first taking note of the social forces and then by demonstrating these forces by explicating relevant texts.
   The critical approaches employed in this course will range from the New Criticism, Russian formalism, Structuralism and deconstruction through to current cultural studies.
 Pedagogy will include lecturing, explicating texts supplemented by class discussion. Once in a while, group discussion, oral reporting will be staged. Meanwhile, CD’s or cassettes of native speakers’ or poets’ reading will be played to enliven the classroom atmosphere.
Week 1  a) Dept secretary’s routine report
                b) “The British Baronage,” The Norton Anthology of English Literature 8th
                       ed.The Major Authors,Stephen Greenblatt & others (New York: Norton, 2008): A 119
                a) “The British Baronage,”: A 119-120
Week 2  a) “The British Baronage,”: A 120-123
                a) 顏元叔,《英國文學:中古時期》: 1-3
Week 3  a) 顏元叔: 4-29
                a) 顏元叔: 4-29
Week 4   a) Carter & McRae, “The Beginnings of English: Old and Middle English 600-1485,”
                     The Penguin Guide to Literature in English: Britain & Ireland (Harlow,
                 Essex: Pearson, 2001): 1-20
                 a) Carter & McRae: 1-20

Week 5    a) Carter & McRae: 1-20

Week 6 a) Carter & McRae, “The Renaissance 1485-1649,”: 21-54
               a) Carter & McRae: 21-54
Week 7 a) Carter & McRae: 21-54
               a) Carter & McRae: 21-54
Week 8 a) Carter & McRae, “The Commonwealth and Restoration 1649-1713”: 55-76
               a) Carter & McRae: 55-76
Week 9 a) Carter & McRae: 55-76
               Midterm examination
Week 10 a) Carter & McRae: 55-76
                 a) Carter & McRae, “Augustan to Gothic 1713-89”: 77-102
Week 11 a) Carter & McRae: 77-102
                 a) Carter & McRae: 77-102
Week 12 a) Carter & McRae: 77-102
                 a) Carter & McRae, “The Romantic Age 1789-1832”: 103-124
Week 13 a) Carter & McRae: 103-124
                 a) Carter & McRae: 103-124
Week 14 a) Carter & McRae: 103-124
                 a) Carter & McRae, “The Victorian Period 1832-1900”: 125-158
Week 15 a) Carter & McRae: 125-158
                 a) Carter & McRae: 125-158
Week 16 a) Carter & McRae: 125-158
                 a) Carter & McRae, “The Twentieth Century to 1939”: 159-194
Week 17 a) Carter & McRae: 159-194
                  New Year holiday
Week 18  Carter & McRae: 159-194
                  Final examination
授課方式 課堂講授/放映投影片
評量方式 ●讀書報告:30 % ●期中考試:30% ●學期考試:40 %


1.   Stephen Greenblatt and others, eds. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 8th Edition. The Major Authors. New York: Norton, 2008
2.   Luo Jingguo, ed. A New Anthology of English Literature. Vol. I. Beijing: Beijing UP, 1996
3.   Michael Alexander. A History of English Literature. Houndmills & London: Macmillan, 2002
4.   Peter Barry. Beginning Theory. 2nd ed. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2002
5.   Alaster Fowler.  A History of English Literature. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987
6.   William Manchester. A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1993
7.   Alex Preminger and others, eds. New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1993
8.   R.W. Southern. The Making of the Middle Ages. New Haven: Yale UP, 1953
9.   Julian Wolfreys, ed. The Edinburgh Encyclopedia of Modern Criticism & Theory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2002
William Zunder and Suzanne Trill, eds. Writing and the English Renaissance. London: Longman, 1996




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