week 1 華嚴傳 智儼 杜順 法順 佐藤泰舜
week 2 天人教 南嶽慧思 衛元嵩
week 3-4-1Awakening if Faith in Mahayana
week 3-4-2One of the most important parts of the Sutra might be the description of the Shancai Tongzi encounter with Lady Maya
week 3-4 地論師
week 5 華嚴經經名
week 6 釋法順
week 8 釋法藏
week 9 Theory of the conditioned origination
week 10 金師子章雲間類解
week 13 李通玄
week 13-1 李通玄的東方智慧論
week 14 宗密
Early HuayanC
Early Huayan21
Early Huayan212
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