台灣高度依賴對外貿易,國際貿易的重要性不言可喻。國際貿易實務是以國際間商品買賣的理論和國際商務慣例為研究基礎,兼重實際知識與應用技術,本課程的目的在於分析探討一國進出口業者與國外從事貿易往來時,對交易條件、貿易實際作業流程等必須具備的各種專業綜合知識。為了讓同學將來在職場上更具競爭力,整個課程設計以每年舉辦的「國貿大會考」作為目標;學習重點包括貿易流程,貿易條件,價格計算,信用狀實務,和貿易英文,鼓勵同學以報考國貿證照作為重要生涯規劃。。This introductory course familiarizesstudents with the basics of international trade, including both the theory and practice.It will examine how international trade effects production, profit and the economy.Students will learn what different nations have to trade, when they trade it, why theytrade it and what they hope to gain from the trade. Those who successfully completethis coursework can work for trading companies or within the trade arena,internationally as well as domestically. Students are highly recommended to take thecertification exam for trade-related jobs in Taiwan.