課程名稱 |
授課教師 |
王石番 |
學分數 |
3 |
上課時數 |
星期四下午1:10~4:00 (第五節至第七節) |
學習目標 |
1.英文讀物上課前先預習,了解大略內容,準備提出問題供討論。 2.期末報告─研究提案(15頁約6000字):
這份研究企劃書必應有研究動機、研究問題、文獻探討、研究過程、可能有的貢獻和研究方法等描述。 |
進度安排與大綱 |
3/6第一週 課程介紹
3/13第二週 閱聽人研究基本概念 McQuail, Dennis. (1994). The social character of audience experience. Chap. 12 in Mass communication theory: An introduction (4th edition, pp. 359-383). London & Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Webster, James G., & Phalen, Patricia F. (1994). Victim, consumer, or commodity? Audience models in communication policy. In James S. Ettema & D. Charles Whitney (Eds.), Audiencemaking: How the media create the audience (pp. 19-37). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
3/20第三週 閱聽人研究典範(一) Reeves, Bryon. (1996). Hemispheres of scholarship: Psychological and other approaches to studying media audiences. In James Hay, Lawrence Grossberg & Ellen Wartella (Eds.), The audience and its landscape (pp. 265-281). Boulder, CO: Westview.
Interpreting audiences: The ethnography of media consumption (pp.11-31) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Morley, David. (1992). Television, audience, and cultural studies. London & New York: Routledge./ 中譯本,馮建三譯,(民84),電視、觀眾與文化研究。台北:遠流。
3/27第四週 閱聽人主動性使用與滿足 McQuail, Dennis. (1994). The social character of audience experience. Chap. 12 in Mass communication theory: An introduction (4th edition, pp. 359-383, 387-390). London & Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Swanson, David L. (1992). Understanding audiences: Continuing contributions of gratifications research. Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Literature, the Media and the Arts, 21(4), 305-328.
Rosengren, Karl Erik; Wenner, A; & Palmgreen, P. (Eds.) (1985). Media gratification research : Current perspectives. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Palmgreen, P., Wenner, L. A., & Rosengren, K. E. (1985). Uses and gratifications research: The past ten years. In K. E. Rosengren, L. A. Wenner, & P. Palmgreen (Eds)., Media gratifications research: Current perspectives (pp. 11-37).Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
4/3第五週 資訊處理過程 Woodall, W. Gill. (1986). Information-processing theory and television news. In John P. Robinson & Mark R. Levy, The main source: Learning from television news (pp. 133-158). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Gunter, Barrie. (1987). Poor reception: Misunderstanding and forgetting broadcast news. Hillsdale, NJ: LA.
Kosicki, Gerald M.; & McLeod, Jack M. (1990). Learning from political news: Effects of media images and information-processing strategies. In S. Kraus (Ed.), Mass communication and political information processing (pp. 69-83). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
4/10第六週 瞭解過程:新聞
4/17第七週 情境與閱聽人 Moores, Shaun. (1993). Taste, context & ethnographic practice. Chap. 3 in Interpreting audiences: The ethnography of media consumption (pp. 32-69). London & Thousand Oaks , CA: Sage.
Morley, David. (1996). The geography of television: Ethnography, communications, and community. In James Hay, Lawrence Grossberg, & Ellen Wartella (Eds.), The audience and its landscape (pp. 317-342). Boulder, CO: Westview.
Morley, David. (1992). Television, audience, and cultural studies. London & New York: Routledge./ 中譯本,馮建三譯,(民84),電視、觀眾與文化研究。台北:遠流。
4/24第八週 互動與閱聽人文本 Livingstone, Sonia M. (1989). Interpretive viewers and structured programs Communication Research, 16(1), 25-57.
讀pp. 58-70 & pp.82-87 in Livingstone , Sonia M. (1992). The resourceful reader: Interpreting television characters and narratives. Communication Yearbook, 15,58-90.
Livingstone, Sonia M. (1990) Making sense of television: The psychology of audience interpretation. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
5/1第九週 娛樂節目的消費 Katz, Elihu; & Liebes, Tamar. (1984). Decoding Dallas: Notes from a cross-cultural study. Intermedia, 12(3). / Reprinted in Horace Newcomb (Ed.) (1986), Television: The critical view (pp. 419-432). New York & Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Spence, Louise. (1995). “They killed off Marlena, but she’s on another show now”: Fantasy, reality, and pleasure in watching daytime soap operas. In Robert C. Allen (Ed.), To be continued: Soap operas around the world (pp. 182-198). London & New York: Routledge.
Brundsdon, Charlotte. (1995). The role of soap opera in the development of feminist television scholarship. In Robert C. Allen (Ed.), To be continued: Soap operas around the world (pp. 49-65). London & New York: Routledge.
Livingstone, Sonia M. (1990) Making sense of television: The psychology of audience interpretation. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
5/8第十週 簡妙如,(民85),過度的閱聽人:「迷」之初探。中正大學電訊傳播研究所碩士論文。
Sherman, Barry L.; & Etling, Laurence W. (1991). Perceiving and processing music television. In Jennings Bryant & Dolf Zillmann (Eds.), Responding to the screen: Reception and reaction processes (pp. 373-388). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Real, Michael R. (1996). Ritual participation: Toward an ethnography of fans, hackers, and jumpers. Chap. 2 in Exploring media culture: A guide (pp. 41-91) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Fiske, John. (1992). The cultural economy of fandom. In Lisa A. Lewis (Ed.), The adoring audience: Fan culture and popular media (pp. 30-49). London & New York: Routledge.
Lull, James. (1987). Listeners communicative uses of popular music. In James Lull (Ed.), Popular music and communication (pp. 140-174). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. (1992 2nd edition無此文)
Lewis, George H. (1992). Who do you love? The dimensions of musical taste. In James Lull (Ed.), Popular music and communication (2nd edition, pp. 134-151). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Schwichtenberg, Cathy. (1992). Music video: The popular pleasures of visual music. In James Lull (Ed.), Popular music and communication (2nd edition, pp. 116-133). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
5/15 Consuming Technologies 讀pp.70-75 & pp. 88-116 in Moores, Shaun. (1993). Media, technology & domestic life. Chap. 4 in Interpreting audiences: The ethnography of media consumption. (pp. 70-116). London & Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 馮建三譯/ David Morley著 (民/1992) 電視、觀眾與文化研究 (Television, audiences, and cultural studies). 台北:遠流。
Morley, David. (1994). Between the public and the private: The domestic uses of information and communications technologies. In J. Cruz & J. Lewis (Eds.), Viewing, reading, listening: Audiences and cultural reception (pp. 101-123). Boulder, CO: Westview.
5/22 Polysemy & John Fiske 陳正國譯/ Fiske, John著,(民82/1989),瞭解庶民文化/ Understanding popular culture。台北:九大/ London & New York: Routledge.
Fiske, John. (1986). Television: Polysemy and popularity. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 3(4), 391-408.
鄭明椿譯/ Fiske, John; & Hartley, John著,(民82/1978),解讀電視/ Reading television。台北:遠流/ London: Methuen / London & New York: Routledge.
Fiske, John. (1992). Audiencing: A cultural studies approach to watching television. Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Literature, the Media and the Arts, 21(4),345-359.
5/29 “Research Pluralism or Paradigms War?” (2): Two Observations Liebes, Tamar. (1989). On the convergence of theories of mass communication and literature regarding the role of the viewer. In Brenda Dervin (Ed.), Progress in communication science (Vol. 9, pp.123-143). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
McLeod, Jack M., Kosicki, Gerald, & Pan, Zhongdang. (1991). On understanding and misunderstanding media effects. In J. Curran & M. Gurevitch (Eds.), Mass Communication and society (pp. 235-258). London: Edward Arnold.
6/5 “Research Pluralism or Paradigm War?” (3): Revisionism Morley, David. (1992). Populism, revisionism and the “new” audience research. Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Literature, the Media and the Arts, 21(4), 329-334. / Reprinted in James Curran, David Morley, & Valerie Walkerdine (Eds.) (1996), Cultural studies and communications (pp. 279-293). London: Edward Arnold.
Curran, James. (1996). Media dialogue: A reply. In James Curran, David Morley, & Valerie Walkerdine (Eds.), Cultural studies and communications (pp. 294-299). London: Edward Arnold.
Morley, David. (1992). Media dialogue: Reading the readings of the readings…in James Curran, David Morley, & Valerie Walkerdine (Eds.), Cultural studies and communications (pp. 300-305). London: Edward Arnold.
6/12 Measuring Audiences Kent, Raymond. (Ed.) (1994). Measuring media audience. London & New York: Routledge. Chap. 2: Television audience measurement system in Europe: A review and comparison (by R. Gane.) 22-41. Chap. 4: Measuring audiences to radio (by Tony Twyman), pp. 88-104. Chap. 5: Estimating newspaper and magazine readership (by Michael Brown), pp. 105-145. Beville, Hugh Malcolm, Jr. (1988). Audience ratings: Radio, television, and cable (Revised student edition). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Gunter, Barrie; & Wober, Mallory. (1992). The reactive viewer: A review of research on audience reaction measurement. London: John Libbey.
6/19 No Class
6/26 Psychographics Gunter, Barrie; & Furnham, Adrian. (1992). Consumer profiles: An introduction to psychographics. London & New York: Routledge. Chap. 2: History and background of psychographics, pp. 31-39. Chap.4: Psychographic systems for consumer profiling, pp. 62-86.
6/29 收視率分析 Buzzard, K. (1992). Electronic media ratings: Turning audiences into dollars and sense. Boston, MA: The Focal Press. Chap. 4, Calculating the results, or what the ratings report, pp. 35-43. Chap. 5, Interpreting the ratings reports: How the ratings are used, pp. 44-55.
Webster, J. G., & Lichty, L. W. (1991). Rating Analysis: Theory and practice. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. “Measurement “ & “Production” (pp. 99-118) in Chap.3, Rating research methods. Chap. 7, A framework for analysis, pp. 145-184. Cahp. 8, Analysis of gross measures, pp. 185-214. |
授課方式 |
每週閱讀指定讀物,其他同學加入討論,可用日常生活傳播媒介內容實例來討論,重視理論與實務。 |
評量方式 |
期末報告(研究企劃書) 50% 閱聽人分析研究的批評 20% 課堂參與(報告與討論) 30% |
使用書籍或參考書籍 |
Moores, Shaun. (1994). Interpreting audiences: The ethnography of media consumption. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Chapters2.3.4.
Hay, James.; Grossberg, Lawrence; & Wartella, Ellen. (Eds.) (1996). The audience and its landscape. Boulder, CO: Westview.
Gunter, Barrie. (1987). Poor reception: Misunderstanding and forgetting broadcast news. Hillsdale, NJ: LA. Chapter3.
Ettema, James S & Whitney, D. Charles. (1994). Audiencemaking: How the media create the audience. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Chapters2.
Kent, Raymond. (Ed.) (1994). Measuring media audience. London & New York: Routledge.
Webster, James G. and Patricia F. Phalen,(1997) The Mass Audience Rediscovering the Dominant Model.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Gunter, Barrie (2000) Media Research Methods. Thousand Oalss ,Ca Sage.
Ruddock, Andy (2000) Understanding Audiences: Theory and Method Thousand Oalss, CA: Sage. |